Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Health Tip: Smoothies

Happy hump day!

If you're anything like me, by now you're lagging. So close to the weekend and yet so far. Why not banish those mid-week blues with an energy boosting smoothie? They're packed full of essential vitamins and minerals, not to mention the combinations are endless. Here is one of my favorite smoothie recipes to eliminate that sluggish feeling:

1 Sambazon Original Rio Blend smoothie pack
8 oz almond milk
1 banana
1 tbsp flaxseed oil
1 scoop Harmonized Vegan Protein in vanilla

Toss all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Delish! Raise your smoothie potential by adding maca, raw cacao, or wheat grass powder. Use that fuel to kick the rest of this week right into the weekend. Also makes a great post-surf or workout smoothie!


What's your favorite smoothie recipe?

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