Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Health Tip: Coconut Oil

Some of you ladies are probably already aware of this, but coconut oil is a surfer's miracle in a jar. I use it for everything, and I mean everything!

First, let's talk about that jar you should be keeping in your kitchen. Ingesting coconut oil on a daily basis has many health benefits. It's an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, and it improves your digestive health. Let's face it. Depending on the location of your home break, the ocean is not always the cleanest place to be. And if we're spending a lot of time it in, we're exposing ourselves to those toxins over and over again (especially during the rainy seasons). Surf sickness is not cute, and we don't want to be curled up in bed feeling sorry for ourselves as a killer set comes rolling in. 

Not only does coconut oil increase immunity and help ward off those unwanted bugs, it also can boost your energy levels. First one in, last one out? Spoon up, chickies!

The daily recommended dosage is 1-4 tablespoons per day. I suggest starting with 1 tablespoon and working your way up to what works for you and your body. How can you add it into your diet? Use it in place of other oils for your cooking and baking (it's the only oil that creates no toxic byproducts and retains its nutritional properties when heated). Mix it into your smoothies. If you're really brave, just take it straight. Personally, I like to stir it into my coffee. Adds a yummy coconut kick!

Moving on to that jar you should be keeping in your bathroom. Girls, this product is about to become a staple in your beauty regimen. Here are just a handful of cosmetic uses for coconut oil:

  1. Hair conditioning treatment - Too much sun and saltwater? Smooth a generous amount onto strands, braid, get your 8 hours in, and wash out in the morning to reveal softer and stronger hair.
  2. Chapped lips and skin - A natural alternative to your standard lip balm and lotion. Don't forget to exfoliate first for the best results!
  3. Sun damage, fine lines, acne, puffy eyes - Say hello to your new night cream.
  4. Sunburn - Because reapplying every 2 hours is not always possible (or easy to remember). Coconut oil is soothing and healing. Slather it on to reduce redness, moisturize, and ease that sting.
  5. Makeup remover - Gently wipe your face clean with a dab of coconut oil on a cotton swab.
Amped on buying a jar? You can find it at most grocery and health food stores. Make sure you get the organic extra virgin coconut oil. Try Nutiva or Nature's Way.


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