Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beach Beauty: Salt'n Sea

Prepare to fall in love with this product!

I recently discovered Love & Toast's Salt'n Sea shower creme during my most recent trip to Whole Foods. The scent is a breath of fresh air -- greens, citrus, mineral salts, and white florals. And it's perfect if your skin is in need of some refreshment after a day of playing in the sun. I love how it makes my skin come alive again after that dried out too much sand and surf feeling. It detoxes, nourishes, and protects from dehydration, plus it's free of all the yucky stuff. I'm looking forward to trying more from this line! Check your local Whole Foods, or browse even more products here.

What's your favorite product to refresh your skin after a day at the beach? 

Photo Credit: Love & Toast

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